EXCITED to announce that they will be working with the VA Dept. of Wildlife Resources to offer the Basic Hunter Education Course locally.
The Basic Hunter Ed course covers material on hunting safety, principles of conservation and sportsmanship. This program aligns directly with the vision of the RARO Adventures program that focuses on providing knowledge and resources allowing local residents to safely experience the many outdoor recreation opportunities available in our area.
VA DWR volunteers along with RARO trained staff will conduct courses at varying points in the year.
This course is required for
12 years and older wishing to purchase a VA hunting license for the 1st time. Adults wishing to take the course as a "refresher" course are welcome to register.
Those taking the class are required to complete the self-study prior to the class date and will turn in the chapter review exercises from the self-study to the instructor at the beginning of the class. To get your copy of the self-study, please contact the RARO office or visit the following website:
Today's Hunter (Study Manual)Next Course: August 17, 2024 Buena Vista Fire Department 8:00 - 5:00
Basic Hunter Education Course Registration